Wednesday 26 August 2015


love   is a beautiful word that men and women share with each other.......but the big question is........ do people really know the meaning of this word? love is an affection for someone or something or  it is a single attribute of God, often times as humans we find ourselves in love with someone and it seems like you cannot be without the person, despite  the  fact you know deep down that the person is wrong for you, then watch it!!!!!!!......sounds like you are in a love trap!!!!!!.
                   Now a trap is like an entanglement you cannot come out from except an higher hand comes to rescue you........young men and women  should be careful on the kinds of relationships they keep, as marriage is life long and  as my people will say e good make you shine your eyes well well..........
                How  do you know you are in a love happens when u get attached to someone and do all you can to please them and make them happy, and its never about what you want ,its always their needs before your open up your heart to them when frankly they don’t deserve it. They take advantage of you and frankly you are ok with it because they are in  your life and thats all you ever really wanted. and  even if they treat you badly over and over again you are still cool with it
    here is 24 year old Nneka from the university of Ibadan, hi i am a 300 level student of university of Ibadan.......hummmh  when i was in 200level i had a boyfriend wale who used to beat me up at the slightest provocation, and he would beat me so badly and i wont even be able to attend lectures for 3 good days!!!!!.......i was so in love that whenever he comes crying and begging i would always say yes and sometimes we would even have make up sex .............but the beatings still continued as

the begging till a day wale beat me up and i was in the hospital for a month!!!!!!!!!!!! was then i realised i was in a trap and had to get out fast before i was killed so i broke up with him and have been trying to gather the peices of my life together..........
          Now you can come out from a love trap by talking to yourself first and telling yourself the truth evaluate that relationship and check out if you are in a big love triangle!!!!!! after self evaluation you can see a good

counsellor around to talk to,also remember to be nice to people around never can tell when you will meet the right soul mate.


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WEIRD!!!!! the couple pictured above decided to tie the knot inside a shoprite mall in kampala the bride who is a manager at shoprite ...